Upcoming PROGRAMs and registration

New session format for 2025

nonprofit essentials 5-part series + nonprofit hot topics to help you keep #MovingGoodForward!

Programming is always included in CVNA Membership

click: CVNA MEmbers - DOn't forget to submit your organization/agency entry for june member showcase

nonprofit essentials series

II- Marketing and grant writing

April 17th, 2025, 9:00-10:30 AM

Community Room at CFNEIA

Part 2 of our Nonprofit Essential Series:

Join us for an overview of Marketing and Grant Writing, and get all your questions answered!

📰nonprofit hot topic

social work internships

April 22nd, 2025 9:00-10:30 AM

Waterloo Conference Room

Thinking about your next season in social work and staffing? Join Casey Reints, Field Coordinator, Wartburg Social Work for a discussion on nonprofits hiring interns.

  • what is an intern? vs. what is a social work practicum?
  • should/could my organization host an intern/practicum?
  • length of time/hours
  • typical activities & supervision required
  • Q&A

📰nonprofit hot topic

Artificial Intelligence - Ways to Improve Efficiency

May 29th, 2025 9:00-10:30 AM

Grow Cedar Valley Conference Room

TechWorks, 360 Westfield Avenue, Suite 300, Waterloo

Back by popular demand! How can you incorporate technology like AI into your mission driven work? Come learn about some easily-accessible tools and ways to strengthen your communication with volunteers without limiting your time.

cvna member showcase

June 2025

We think you're a star! Join us in highlighting your organization programs, services and good work in our community. We are cheering for you as you keep #Moving Good Forward!

(All entries are due 5/15/25 - don't delay and submit your info today!)

Missed out?!

Check out this session with Joy Briscoe on Community and Belonging, Belonging First!

Leadership as well as non-leadership engagement, commitment and accountability are critical to the success of any equity, diversity, inclusion and engagement (DEI&B) journey that the organization embarks upon. Without solid alignment, the efforts could be derailed due to multiple root issues that prevent a collective vision at all levels of an organization. DEI&B is an ongoing journey that begins at the individual level to proactively influence sustained behavior changes and organizational outcomes.

Watch This Session

Marketing & Communications for

Small Nonprofits

Join us for a session on Nonprofit Marketing & Communications! In this session, we'll dive into the essentials of defining your target audiences, understanding different types of messaging and media, and crafting a communication plan tailored to your nonprofit's goals. Nicole Hackman, Director of Fundraising and Communications at Leader Valley, will provide valuable insights and practical tips to help you effectively connect with your community and amplify your impact - no matter the size of your budget or staff.

Meeting date:

Thursday, May 23, 2024, 12-1 PM

Meeting location:

Union Block Board Room

114 E 4th Street, Suite 300, Waterloo, IA 50703


Nicole Hackman, Director of Fundraising and Communications
Leader Valley


Cedar valley nonprofits impact tour

Join us for a morning tour with Nonprofit Leaders and Legislators to discuss advocacy and highlight the following key areas:

- Housing and City Funding

- Human Services

- Food Insecurity

Charter Transportation will be provided, space is limited.

ALL are welcome to attend - join the discussion or come to learn and hear more about policies and impact in the Cedar Valley.

Meeting date:

Thursday, June 6th, 2024; 8:30 AM-11:00 AM

Meeting location:

Waterloo Center for the Arts Parking Lot

Tour Highlights and Stops:

Waterloo Library, Grout Museum, Housing Row, Riverview Center and Food Bank of North East Iowa Human Services Campus

Attending Legislation Representatives and more details to come. Register today!


Watch for additional upcoming programs!

August -

  • Nonprofit Essentials Series: Engaging Volunteers for Fund Development
  • Metrofunders Social Event

September -

  • Nonprofit Essentials Series: Board of Directors and Financial Organization
  • 30th:  AFP/CVNA Joint Event - Keynote Speaker, Keith Christensen, Principal Development Officer for Mayo Clinic, CFNEIA 12:00-1:00 PM

October -

  • 1st: Iowa Nonprofit Summit, Ankeny, IA
  • Nonprofit Hot Topics: DEI Work and Community

November -

  • Nonprofit Essentials Series: Fundraising & Sustainability

December -

  • Nonprofit Legislative Panel

Chelsey Bowermaster

CVNA Coordinator

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